Set in the realm between dream and harsh reality, this films explores the phenomenon that is India. The train journey from the north to the south, far removed from the usual clichés, transforms into a study of Indian society. Across a nation that is fast becoming the most populated country on earth while ascending to...Read More
A 2012 Classic Run piece form the Deccan Chronicle, titled ‘Southern sojourn on tuk-tuks‘ ‘It is not the whizzing sound of a plane or the noisy beats of a train they chose. The 33 participants of Rickshaw Challenge bobbed up and down through the roads of south India in 15 auto rickshaws. In a 10...Read More
Great piece from The Travel Word on the top 5 rickshaw adventure travel out there. ‘Get ready to tell the best stories about your time as a rickshaw pilot, because we’ve found the top five rickshaws that you are actually allowed to drive. Since 2006, the Rickshaw Challenge has been serving up rickshaw driving trips...Read More
The Rickshaw Challenge Classic Run 2009 lush new year’s voyage through South India has ended on Jan 8 with all teams making it to the finish line. (with their rickshaws!:) We are proud to announce that the A-team; Charles Vignoles and Craig Scott are the winners of this year race, which like previous ones was...Read More
By the end of this month, autos from the city will take off on a 1000-km rally into the heart of the south Deft and tough, autorickshaws of the city have helped us see through several travails. They have withstood bumpy roads, speed breakers and traffic jams. This time around, they are all geared up...Read More
Chennai, formerly known as Madras, is often called The Gateway to South India. Established by the British in the 17th century, the city is known for its rich arts scene. It is also home to Kollywood, the southern Indian film industry. Poet, painter, photographer and writer Sharanya Manivannan, 23, says the city’s cultural vibrancy gives...Read More
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