Hit The Road: India is a travel adventure documentary following two friends, Ric Gazarian and Keith King, participating in the Rickshaw challenge Mumbai Xpress. More details on hittheroadmovie.com Hit The Road: India – Bangalore FragmentRead More
Life. Thrown into a chaotic mess, moments pass by and you grow up. People come and go. Opportunities pass – there will be more. Hope. Understanding. God. Is it really what you think it is? Before you know its over again. And all you got is a glimpse. Jhalak was shot in Bombay, Delhi, Bundi,...Read More
Big trip with Fabien Penso in India driving a Royal Enfield 500 from Delhi to Ladakh. From Fabien Penso: ‘I’ve enjoyed travels for years, mostly as a backpacker and I’m often on the move. Purpose of my trips are photography and meeting people.’ 1600 km on Royal EnfieldRead More
One man, one bike, one world, discovering the world on a bicycle via Florian Schmale From Florian Schmale: ‘ As a cyclist I met a lot of people everyday. I greet them, shake hands communicate with them in many ways and they invite me, give me food, and sometimes even pray for me. I realized...Read More
‘Royal Enfields has served us for almost 3 generations…There are ” ustaads / maestros ” of almost every single respective part of this Machine,ODM had the honour to know a lot of these specialists….scattered all over the country – each one of them is a untold story ! Old Delhi Motorcycles builds a motorcycle with...Read More
Classic Run 2014 is in full swing and people are talking about it. ‘The hawkers and the motorists were bewildered seeing foreigners behind the wheels of brightly painted autorickshaws in Coimbatore on Sunday morning. Well, the onlookers didn’t know they were part of Rickshaw Challenge — Classic Run 2014, which will see them attempt to...Read More
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