Let’s face it: apart from the awesome adventure, participants join us for the great Rickshaw Challenge parties that happen – spontaneously or otherwise – on the road. But when you have to get up next day and continue driving, it doesn’t hurt to have a few tricks up your sleeve…

- Water is your best friend

The number one, most important rule once a party starts is: HYDRATION. Yes, with capital letters. It doesn’t matter if you squeeze a glass of water in between beers or shots of fenny, you have to make space for water. If you forget to drink during the party, make sure that you down at least a litre of it before you go to sleep – believe us, when the alarm goes off the next morning, you’ll be thanking your lucky stars.
- Eat beforehand

India is a great place to widen your gastronomic scope, but make sure that whatever you eat is greasy; it’ll help absorb the alcohol and once again, you’ll win the war against the dreaded hangover.
- Be prepared
Take some medication with you, like Alka-Seltzer for your stomach and Ibuprofen for your head (if you’re not allergic to it.) Meds like these occupy a small space in your suitcase and you’ll be infinitely grateful to your past self for thinking of packing them in!

- Plan Ahead

If you know that the next day you’re going to have to wake up extra early for some reason or the other, try not to stay out till four in the morning! Especially if it’s your turn to drive your rickshaw-wonder – you’re going to have to be on your A-game to defeat the other teams and win the prestigious award. And for that, you need sleep.
- Try not to mix drinks
The worst thing you can do is drink more than three types of drinks during the party. Look at it like this: the more drinks you mix, the worse-off you’ll be next morning (maybe throughout the day…) Of course, the amount also counts, but we trust that everyone has that figured out already (hopefully…)
- Pack everything before your leave…
…for the party. That way, you can have those few extra minutes to sleep or relax instead of frantically throwing things into your bag and – most probably – forgetting at least one or two items. Even better: lay out the clothes you’re going to wear next day, too.
- Make ALL the new friends you can take

The Rickshaw Challenge is every bit about the adventure and exploring India – but it is also a bonding exercise and all about having the time of your life. So, party with everyone: with your teammates and other teams, and make sure that you do not leave India without at least a couple of new friends! Good luck.