Why Indians Prefer Strong Beer, Liquor

Tuborg Booster Strong
With up to 8 percent alcohol, Carlsberg’s Tuborg Booster Strong packs a heavier punch than the Danish original and is sold only in India, where consumers in the world’s third-fastest growing beer market prefer an extra kick.
Billed as the world’s first fruit-flavoured strong beer, Tuborg Booster Strong is one of several potent brews that Carlsberg and rivals SABMiller, Anheuser-Busch Inbev and United Breweries are rolling out to make inroads in a market dominated by whisky.
Strong beer, with alcohol content of 5-8 percent, accounted for 83 percent of all beer sold in India last year, according to research firm Mintel, a figure industry players say is the biggest strong beer share of any major market. Brewers expect that to grow to 90 percent over the next three to five years.
Alcohol consumption isn’t high in India, mainly for religious and cultural reasons. Only a third of the country’s 1.1 billion people drink regularly. And when people do drink, it’s to get buzzed.
Indian consumers are looking for choices away from whisky and need products that not only give them more bang for their buck, but also have a macho image,” Carlsberg expects India to become one of the world’s top 10 beer markets in the next five to seven years.
Via: Reuters
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